Kenny Bloggins sifting the seas of skeg...

9'4" Bing Elavator Chris Del Moro Model



Schticks eh?????

9'6" Christenson Pig

100% Hand Shaped Triple Stringer

Complete Volan Lime Green Tint

Glass on Fin One of a Kind by Chris Christenson.
Hey there bloglings, got some new boards that are lookin extra nice. The Binglings dropped off some logs with some great colorwork tints and panels. We got 9'2" and 9'4" Elavator models by Chris Del Moro, along with a 9'4" NR-2 and a 9'2" Silver Spoon. Also, just yesterday we got a group of 12 Takayamas that look impressive as usual. 7"8" Scorpion dark blue tint with gold laminates, 7'6" Flo Egg solid opaque white, seven In the Pink including a mini 8'0", three DT-2's. We jus keep getting more and more fine sticks that needs some fine pilots, come on buy, we got enough free energy drinks to palpitate at least a hundred tickers, grab one and let's amp you on a new watery craft. Oh yeah got some Michel Junod boards that should be arrive in about a week, keep your eyes peeled surfsters. Thanks,- Kenny Bloggins-