Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blog Jammin' with Kenny!

Our cups may be half empty but the shop is full of flavor. We got some good stuff a brewin....

Well.....ok we are or I suppose Kenny Bloggins is finally back into this blog business once again. The hiatus was a little suspect but this is a new year right? At least that's what somebody said the other day. Keep your eye's peeled for a more consistent and fun-filled blog from here on out. Things were really popping over the holidays around here even though it was raining like Seattle and we were wearing our snorkels. Thick steamers seem to be flying out the door lately and I can't keep the booties stocked quick enough. Hoods and gloves??!!?? Yep, we got em' so if your extremities are turning white and giving up on you we got some rubber for those lonely little limbs as well. As usual we have an array or new arrivals in the board room; Takayama In the Pinks, DT-2's, Beach Breaks, and Scorpions. Got a hot new batch of Kookbox Twin Pins shaped by Jeff McCallum as well as some longer models by Wayne Rich. And........we will be receiving a batch of Christenson shortboards any day now. That's right I said it, we will have some thrusters in the shop again for the first time in a long time. Our board room has had a face lift to accommodate all the wonderful surf craft that live here, and we have been working our tookus' off to try to make this place really nice inside and out. With all that news, we invite you to come on down and burn some time poking around. There's Lot's to look at, talk about, and go home with if that's your fancy. Happy News Year, -Bloggins-

Rainbows, Craigs, Minnards, Channel Islands', Finelines.....The used room! So hot right now!
Got a favorite old classic tale? Maybe you can have a new favorite shirt too.
We're not sure if it's ok to wear one if you haven't read the book. You decide.
I gotta start reading.
The egg/longboard rack has some lookers on it as well. Weber, Takayama, Anderson.....just cause they is used don't mean they don't work!
Jeff MCCallum did some design work for Mr. Tudor and the folks at Kookbox this batch. These things look like they came from NASA.

Our bug collection stings.
Donald's Oceanside showroom may be a thing of the past but we're picking up where he left off. The Takayama's are in season.
Board room face lift.

Thanks for stopping by San Diego! and.....WOrld:)