Whoa.........It's been awhile since my last posting, sorry about that there eh. Well you know those things in life that you hear about and think "how could that have happened to them," or "that would never happen to me," the bizarre mind glitching stories about crazy and rotten things happening to the least expecting of people. Well, I've had the inconceivable awakening to be one of those people and it's opened some mental doors that could and probably would have stayed locked for a very long time if not otherwise been put in this situation. The reality that real life twists can wake a person up really f@#!in fast from the daily innocent ignorance of the good life has come into full wide screen view in the past couple weeks. Unfortunately I have had to move my Bloggins headquarters out of state and I now officially have my own oncologist. Let's just leave it at that, explaining the three week delay on an update for you folks. My surf life at this point feels like a little kid peering into a snow globe dreaming of the magical winter wonderland, only my globe is a computer screen with surf report photos and swell charts. This ramble is not unlike the other hundred million stories written with the message of taking life day by day and living every moment to the fullest and it feels a bit self righteous and awkward as I plunk on these keys but when your in a situation like this, as so many others have been in, it feels like it's your duty to remind people to open up and take a hard look at the things we take for granted every day, especially getting to enter the ocean as a playground. What we surfers get to do is so unique and utterly organic it really epitomizes the theme of be here now, on the other hand it's so easily lost in ego trips, paddle battles and lineup crowding that sometimes the whole thing feels like driving in traffic. Well, the waves in my life don't involve any water these days and it hasn't been calm and glassy here for quite awhile, so the next time you feel like you're sitting in traffic wherever you are, remember there's a lot of people out there just like me who would give anything to be sitting right there with you. Thanks for listening, Kenny B