6'8" Hand Shaped Quad Fish by Rich Pavel
Here's another breed of hydrodynamic water skimmers from the Pavel/Rainbow/Greenroom camp. These are some of the most diverse boards out there if you're looking for something that can negotiate anything that you might run into on your daily wave hunt.(Mitch's is not responsible for your obliteration if you paddle out on one of these when it's really macking) If you can't find Rich down there in OB to take a gander at some boards don't be surprised, we can't find him either. We sure got a good selection to choose from up here in Solana to get you thinking though. See you soon! -Bloggins-
You choose.
Ply Gephart Quads, sanded gloss finish on bottom for speed-polished gloss on top for pretty.
6'8" Quad Fish, Burnt Yellow bottom tint.
6'8" Quad Fish, Orange Bottom Tint, Clear Deck, Blue Pin
6'2" Classic Keel, Solid Coke Bottle Green Tint, White Pin
6' Quan, White deck, Turquoise/Green Tint Bottom
6' Quan, Solid Light Denim Tint
5'11" Creekfish, Solid Lime Green Tint-mas beachy friendly.
5'10" Quan, Pomegranate Deck, Dark Pomegranate Bottom
5'9" Quan, Solid Yellow Tint
5'8" Quan, Clear Deck, Red Tint Bottom
5'8" Quan, Solid Yellow Tint---SOLD
5'6" Quan, Purple Tint
5'4" Quan, Solid Lime Green Tint, Glass-on ply Gepharts