Friday, July 22, 2011

For real this time.

Micah's magical foods from our garden are making me superhuman, you should see me cross-step my log these days!
Christenson has hatched his take on the Mini-Simmons concept....we have a 5'7" and 5'8 here looking preety darn seek. More foil in the nose and on the rails throughout with a slightly more swine-like outline makes them seem like they'll be some skatey little devices that you could really put on a rail. 720's
Glass on they should be.
Go fast. Forward.
More new floaty discs from Jeff McCallum via Kookbox. Rounded Square Thumbish Tail Quad fins with really nice tints, perfect pins and sanded finishes. 1,065

Fresh off the the sanding pad.
6' Kookbox Twin Pin Jade Green Deck, Lime Green bottom, white pin. Glass-on fins 1,065

6' Kookbox quad, light blue deck, denim blue bottom, white pin. 1,065

6'2" Kookbox quad, this thing looks and feels ideal for a 200lb. plus fella. Mustard deck, purple-blue bottom, white pin. 1,065
Oh my quad!
6'4" Scorpion. Grey opaque deck, reverse lap bottom, black pins 4+1 setup. A real versatile vessel. 925

7'6" Takayama Scorpion, solid custard yellow opaque tint. One of the nicest one's i've seen. 985

5'6" Takayama Scorpion, lime green and pink acid swirl-out for eighties flashbacks, reverse lap, black pin, 4+1 890

6'2" Takayama Scorpion, solid blue tint, reverse lap, black pin, 4+1 925

Jon Haffey is a legend round these parts.....Joel and the Kookbox camp thought he ought to have a design of his own for the label. This thing is narrow at 22" and long at 10' which makes for real parallel rails and not a real curved outline. What that means is this thing is gonna tttrrrriiiii-iim! Less is more. 1,165
Triple sticks, black opaque bottom.
9'2" Takayama DT-2, t-band stringer, black pin, turqoise tint bottom. 1,150

9'4" Christenson West-Side. Magenta pink semi opaque bottom, black pin, clear deck. A pink pig seems appropriate i suppose.

9'5" Takayama Devon Howard Special, twin stringer taper with blue foam wedge, clear gloss and polish. What nice curves! 1,150

9'6 Takayama in the pink, colors, t-band stringer, Scott Henry. 1,175

9'8 Takayama In the Pink, clear deck, t band string, white pins, fusia bottom tint? Yeah. 1,190

9' Kookbox Step Ahead by Wayne Rich, cedar stringer, glue lines solid light green-blue-grey. This board feels perfect. 1,100

9'6 Kookbox Haffey Model. Thanksgiving board. Orange deck, brown rails, army green bottom. Be greatful for speed. 1,165

Nice Racks.

We've been diggin' it.
Bentley rides a Haffey Model.
Got this here really nice log on the used rack. 10'4 Michel Junod RON (regler ol noserider). This thing is in super shape. 750 is a steal.

Car is for sale too.

My usual complacency has taken hold again and I've been camping on the blog for a month?!?!. A big Sorry to whoever has been out there waiting for a new shop update and been getting shut down like the 405. For real this time Kenny Bloggins in back on a revival tour and will be posting many dates. Well here's a whole heap ton of photos and new products that have washed into the shop in the last four weeks. We have been getting a whole lot busier around here and we just can't seem to keep any boards of any kind in the shop, things are sprouting wings and legs and just disappearing faster than we can keep up. Summer is really here and the signs seem to be showing that people are starting to feel more comfortable purchasing things these days. Thank you everyone for your continued support and dedication to our store and our commitment to surfing's good things. Cheers, Kenny Bloggins