I'm particularly excited about this posting because this here bonkers selection of new Kookbox and Christenson loggies is genuinely incredible. I feel like i should bounce my rent check, sell my car, and live in the bushes just to get my feets on one of these things. After weighing the consequences, those darn pesky rational thoughts seem to overtake my old familiar youthful squablings and notions to make bad choices and I've now fully realized I can't have one of these. The thing is though.....you can! We got em' here just yesterday and they probably won't stick around too long considering this post will most likely stir up some similar, careless, burning desires as the one's I've had.

Turquoise Stepping Ahead hanging with an opaque white Professor

These guys look good together.

Hips and Tips.

Nice Laps, sweet lines, pinched rails and flipped tails.


9'2 x 23" x 3" Kookbox Stepping Ahead 1,060

Hippy hipster.

9' x 22 1/2" x 2 7/8" Kookbox Professor, opaque white deck w/ reverse lap 1,080

A great all rounder'

Jah Haffey and a killer green Roach.

Light Green Haffey 1,085, sea foam green Harrison w/ green foam stringer wedge 1,080

This Roach has huge tail rocker.

Best buds.

Don't drop the roach.

Cuarto Verde Guey!

9'2" x 22" x 3" Kookbox Jah Haffey Model 1,085

Feelin Slideehhh....yeahyuhh

So Sick Jah!

9'2" x 22 1/4" x 2 7/8" Kookbox Harrison Roach model, solid opaque blue-grey deck, reverse lap 1,080 SOLD!

It's gonna be the best.

This one is the one that's got me scrambling for things I can pawn.

9'4" x 22" x 3" Kookbox Haffey Model, solid white opaque deck, clear bottom, reverse lap, 1,080

One of the cleanest looking glass jobs I've seen.

White can be colorful too.

9' x 22 1/4" x 2 7/8" Kookbox Harrison Roach, sea foam green, green foam stringer wedge, 1,080 SOLD!

Apartment or Roach?

This thing is sure to turn.....


The boys sure like the way Sam feels.

17 1/2" tail!! Baby Got Back.

Even white boys gots ta shout.

9' 2" x 22 3/4" x 2 7/8" Kookbox Son of Sam, tan-brown opaque deck, reverse lap, turquoise lam, 1,050

I'm hooked and I can't stop starin'

Call her Samantha if you'd like.

9'1" Takayama Nat Young Model 1,180

Solid Red Opaque.

A real hot perfomance pigling.

9'2" x 22 3/8" x 2 3/4" Christenson Bonneville Model 1,270

Freakin awesome!

9'6" x 23 1/8" x 2 7/8" Christenson Bonneville 1,270

This color? WOW!

6' x 20 1/4" x 2 1/2" Christenson Cafe Racer 900

Glass-on quad fins.

Lumber skegs look purdy.

6' Royal Blue Christenson quad fish w/ glass-0n ply fins.

no thoughtful words needed here.

Gary Hanel quads looking swell on the racks, make em' work swell on the new swell that's swelling of the coast. Thanks for looking! -Bloggins-
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